Case study:

NGO Volunteering Project

A platform that connects volunteers with meaningful opportunities to make a positive impact. Through their innovative approach and user-friendly interface, they revolutionize the way individuals engage with volunteer work

Main Features


Personalized profiles for volunteers and organizations, fostering connections by allowing volunteers to showcase their skills and interests, and organizations to highlight their mission and projects

Activity Feed

A dynamic feed that provides real-time updates on volunteering opportunities, recent volunteer achievements, and ongoing projects

Time Tracking

QR codes and geolocation are used to enable volunteers to track their contributions and activities accurately, ensuring precise record-keeping and simplifying reporting for the NGO


Utilizing geolocation technology, the application enables volunteers to find nearby volunteering opportunities, making it convenient for them to participate in local initiatives

Search Functionality

A robust search feature that allows volunteers to explore specific projects based on their preferences, location, and availability

Financial Stats

A comprehensive overview of financial statistics, including funds raised, donations received, and the allocation of resources to different projects

UX Wireframes

To facilitate the development of the charity app, we took a comprehensive approach by creating detailed wireframes.

These wireframes served as visual blueprints, outlining the app's user interface and navigation structure.

By meticulously designing the layout and flow of the app's screens and features, we ensured an intuitive and user-friendly experience for volunteers and organizations.

The wireframes provided a solid foundation for the development process, enabling effective communication between our team and the charity to align our vision and goals.

Architecture Roadmap

We created a comprehensive architecture roadmap, laying out the technical framework and infrastructure required for its successful implementation.

This roadmap served as a strategic guide, outlining the various components, systems, and integrations necessary for the app's functionality and scalability.

By carefully considering factors such as security, performance, future expansion and costs, we ensured a robust and adaptable architecture that aligns with the project long-term goals.

The architecture roadmap provided a clear vision of the development process.