Case study:

AP Automation Project

AP automation solutions in a secure cloud-based environment

Global Invoice Processing Capabilities
Digital Mailroom
Intelligent Data Capture
Dynamic Workflows
ERP Integration
Supplier Management Analytics

Discovering inefficiencies

Fragmented platforms

  • The client encountered a significant challenge with their fragmented software platforms. The lack of integration between these platforms posed obstacles that impacted operational efficiency and resulted in a suboptimal user experience

Latency Challenges

  • The software application experienced latency due to a database design and usage issue. Inefficient indexing, improper optimization, and inadequate management of connections and transactions contributed to the prolonged response times and poor user experience

Manual Deployments

  • The software application encountered complications and risks associated with human error as a result of relying on manual deployment. Moreover, its scalability and agility in deploying updates and addressing issues were constrained by the absence of automation

Designing a new Interface

We designed a new interface that seamlessly integrates multiple systems. The objective was to enhance usability and user satisfaction through a focus on simplicity, clarity, and content visibility. A comprehensive design system ensured visual consistency, branding alignment, and efficient implementation

The solution

To address the inefficiencies, our team undertook a comprehensive solution. We embarked on a project to merge and revamp the platforms, transforming them into a unified and robust system


Developed a new frontend client application to consolidate multiple applications


Developed a purpose-built integration layer to enhance interoperability and data exchange between the frontend and backend systems

Test Coverage

Implemented comprehensive end-to-end (e2e) test coverage to ensure critical functionality across different layers of the application is thoroughly tested


Through meticulous analysis and optimization of the database, significant latency issues impacting data retrieval and screen loading times were successfully identified and resolved


Implemented a cloud-based Dev/Ops automated testing and deployment capability, connecting existing environments to a unified orchestrator

Technology highlights

.NET Core
SQL Server


UX/UI Designer

The UX/UI Designer was instrumental in creating a modern and responsive UI that merged multiple platforms. Their expertise in user-centered design principles ensured the final product was visually appealing and intuitive to navigate


Through the collaborative efforts of our team, who embraced the Scrum methodology and worked in close alignment with other client teams, we accomplished the successful creation of the new frontend and middle layer integration

QA Engineers

Our dedicated team ensured the quality and reliability of the project through rigorous testing and comprehensive quality assurance processes. Their expertise in industry-standard methodologies contributed to the flawless functionality, performance, and security of the software

DevOps Engineer

Our adept DevOps engineer successfully created a new cloud infrastructure for streamlined deployment and integration. Leveraging their expertise in cloud technologies, they designed and implemented a reliable and scalable environment, optimizing the project's efficiency and stability

Database Engineer

The skilled Database Engineer played a pivotal role in optimizing the database, resulting in reduced latency. Through expert analysis, query optimization, and indexing enhancements, they significantly improved the database's performance and responsiveness